Today is our 23rd Mothers' Day together. It's also our 4th residing in different states. (Well, it isn't exactly fair and honest to count last year since Mothers' Day was the day you and dad came to begin the moving-my-stuff-back-home process.) I honestly can't remember much of the Mothers' Days past. I do remember the year a bought a Styrofoam ball, covered it with fabric, stuck mini-Tootise Pops, Sugar Daddies, and a "World's Best Mom" pin in it, and gave it to you. It ended up looking something like a strange turkey with no head. And there was the year I made you a small cake and decorated it with chocolate icing, only to have the day end with us talking about how neither of us like cake all that much. I'm certain we will never forget and will always laugh at the many, many cheap dollar store gifts I thought (at the time) were perfect.
I remember funny stories, but I do not recall the sentiments. That is odd for me, as you know, I'm usually quite sentimental. Although you have always
Whatever is true of the past cannot be changed, but this Mothers' Day, I am possibly more sentimental than ever before. I graduate from college in less than a week. Six days to be exact. I'm leaving the comfort and familiarity of a classroom for the adult world of jobs (ahem...well, hopefully ;-). The ending of something that has been so good (I've always loved school - that I do remember) combined with the beginning of something new and
I think I'm more grateful to you now than I've ever been before. I love who are, not just as mom, but as a person. I love spending time with you. I love learning from you (even if my kitchen habits tend to drive you crazy). I love laughing with you. Most of all, I love that the more I grow up, the more I love you.
Thank you for all the many things you have given to me. Happy Mothers' Day, Mom!
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