Note: This blog post is published without proofreading. That may prove to be disastorous. However, I am tired. 5:30 comes very early.
This morning did not get off to a good start. I woke up tired. The process of dragging myself out of bed was not fun. I was behind schedule at every turn. I did not make it out of the house until almost 7, which is a whole 15 (20 on a good morning) minutes late. I could not the deadbolt to lock, so I frustratedly gave up, only locking the knob itself. I had trouble backing out and ran over a whole lot of the grass. I was just in a bad mood. I was not looking forward to the day.
Then as I was turning on to the highway, Joy FM began playing Matt Maher's Hold Us Together. I took the opportunity to rock out to it. Just as I was becoming frustrated with the extra traffic, another great sing-a-long song game on. God's grace was blessing me through the radio station.
Normally if I'm a few minutes behind schedule, the traffic in Festus is horrendous and makes me even later to school. This was something I was upset about in the rush to get out the door. However, today there was no traffic at all. I made it through Festus without problem: another sprinkle.
I had been struggling with getting a social studies disc to work in the computer. I was desperate to get something off of it copied before school. When I asked Jenny is she happened to have any copied, she revealed that she had a book of blackline masters from the company. I was so happy to learn that: another sprinkle.
Since it was a Wednesday morning, I took my class to mass. I was able to get lunch count done before we left without any problems, and we were able to leave on time: another sprinkle. My kids were well behaved during mass, and I actually to focus some this time around: another sprinkle.
At this point, I found it very easy to smile.
During my first prep of the day, I realized that I did not have the science performance assessment I had planned prepped yet, and I didn't have the materials I needed. However, the prep didn't take long, and my make-shift plan B turned out to be even better than plan A: another sprinkle.
I got my first pay check, and everyone was excited for me. They even took my picture. I felt like I was part of the community: sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle.
During my second prep, I was actually able to sit down and grade papers: big sprinkle there.
By the time I got to adoration on my home, I could not wait to see Jesus. Being able to tell Him "thank you" was just what I wanted: another sprinkle.
When I got home, there was left over spaghetti to eat for dinner: sprinkle. When I turned on the T.V. NCIS was on: sprinkle. When the episode ended I learned they were doing back-to-back episodes: sprinkle.
Then my mom and went shopping for a dress for her to wear to my brother's wedding. This was kind of a dreaded task for her (and me too I suppose). We managed to find something: sprinkle, that was on sale: sprinkle, and we found shoes to match: sprinkle.
I so wanted to be able to share joy with you. After a summer of suffering and struggling to express it here in a way that was real and yet not depressing, it is a testament to God's glory to be able to share joy.
God is good!
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