I'd been noticing at various times over the past several weeks that my car was in need of a good hand washing. There was an element of I-don't-have-time-for-this mixed in with an even bigger element of excitement. So, yesterday I happily declared that I would be washing my very own car for the very first time!
I should have seen it coming. It began right off the bat. I just didn't notice it at first.
You see, since the last time I've washed a car, my family has switched to new soaps. Since I would undoubtedly use too much, my mom got the water ready for me.
The car washing began with me making a slightly joking, slightly serious comment about not washing the top because no one could really see it anyway. In the next moment, my mom was standing on a step ladder washing the top of my car...as I a stood there watching.
As I was just beginning to wash the first side, my dad came out. As both parents circled around the car with me, I thought to myself that this was kind of fun - a nice little family occasion.
Then as I finished up the third side, I heard it. "You missed a spot." "She did? Where? Oh! Yea, I see it way down there."
I just kept working, moving on to the front. Meanwhile, the inspection continued. "There is a little spot down on this side too..."
"Okay, I'm finished with the front."
"Here Melissa, let me see that." Once again, the car washing baton passed from my hands, this time into my father's. He got those couple of spots that I missed.
Last came the wheels. "I'm not really worried about them. Aren't they kind of meant to be dirty?" How silly of me to think such a thing.
The car washing experience ended with my dad bent over washing the wheels as my mom followed him around with the hose, spraying things down and inspecting his work.
Where was I you may be wondering?
Sitting on the step ladder.
Shaking my head.
And smiling a bit too. After all, I should have seen it coming.
Part of me wishes that, like on facebook, I could "Like" this:)