I don't know when I wrote the following (there was no date). I found it while reading through old journals from college. It is uncanny how very similar this entry is to the words I prayed in adoration today.
A piece of my then and my now...
Lord Jesus, sometimes I think I know what Your Spirit is prompting me to do. Other times I am sure that I don't have a clue. I sit before You now at neither extreme. I'm unsure of Your plan for me, but I do not feel completely lost. I know what I want, but I'm afraid to ask for it. I'm afraid that You might give it to me and that I will somehow loose sight of You in the process.
It reminds me of my favorite St. Faustina quote...
"Let all my desires, even the holiest, noblest, and most beautiful, take always the last place, and Your holy will, the very first."
Melissa, that is a beautiful prayer.