Monday, September 24, 2012

Pausing to Express


(September 24, 2012)

Outside my window...The air is FINALLY at that consistently cool point. My windows are open, and the taste of Fall makes my heart smile.  I find comfort and peace in gentle breezes.

I am thinking... that I need to write more.  My life always seems more fully lived when I'm consistently expressing myself through writing.

I am thankful for... the gift of the journey.  I'm not always patient along the road that leads to healing, growth, or peace, but I'm so thankful that such a road exists. I'm also thankful that God lets us have other people journey alongside us.

I am wearing... my flowing brown skirt, a pink shirt, no shoes, and straightened hair (at the request of my students who have been dying to see what it looks like straightened).

I am creating... routine...or playing with it a least. I'm good with the weekends, but I'm still not thrilled my mornings.

I am going... to go to bed early tonight.  I'm tired, and those juniors I have to teach tomorrow are a lot of work.

I am reading... so much about Church History and the New Testament that it almost feels like college again. Almost.

I am hoping... that somewhere in the midst of this time there are many things in my life that are pleasing to God.

I am hearing... cars driving by on a busy street.

Around the much talk about martyrs and persecution have left me in a bit of a blah mood.

One of my favorite things... sleeping in.