Friday, June 12, 2009

I Love....

....being a girl. It's true. I've complained from time to time about the whole "that time of the month thing," and I've whined a bit about how sometimes guys seem to have it easier as far as meeting social standards is concerned, but all in all, I love being a girl, and I wouldn't want it any other way. There is some that is captivatingly beautiful about God's intention for femininity. Although I'm quite sure that I have only barely begun to understand His breath-taking vision, I feel truly blessed to be able to embrace what I do understand. It's true that it is not always easy. For one thing, hormones and emotions can cause rather large disturbances in deliberately rational action. However, the gentle and feminine actions that are the result of a battle with said emotions is worth the fight. There really is something special about the feminine heart. While I am passionately opposed to the selfish pursuit of codling the feminine heart for the sake of making oneself "feel better," I do think that the way God has designed our hearts teaches us a lot about that beautiful vision of His. Somewhere, there is a balance between nurturing femininity and denying self...I believe that in that balance (in the midst of properly ordered emotions) lies God's sacred call of femininity to every woman.


  1. Loved the post! Though not a girl, I couldn't agree more with your sentiments. Lol, first post of many, I'm sure.

  2. Loved the post! Though not a girl, I couldn't agree more with your sentiments. Lol, first post of many, I'm sure.
