Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Just Me

I don't actually have a lot to say. I can completely relate to the content of this song. I've spent many, many hours in prayer trying to force myself into a set vision - a narrow box - of holiness that matches my understanding of what it should look like and be. While the Church gives the example of the Saints and in the Communion of Saints we are united in the faith their lives displayed, we are not called to be exactly them. We are called to live like them - in surrender to God's will. But we were not created to try to shove our holiness and spiritual growth into the exact imprint left behind by their lives. In fact, that doesn't make sense anyway because what made them holy was that they embraced their own unique journeys; they offered everything they had and were, just as it was given to them.

It is easy to approach God as a set of "holiness rules." It is much harder to approach Him as "just me."

That "just me" is all He wants. He isn't looking for a complicated string of rigid devotions and mimicked paths.

He is looking for the simple me. He waits for me to come to Him in the simplicity of who He made me to be.

He wants just me.

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