Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's Been Far too Long

I have no idea what this post is going to end up being about. All I really know is that it has been far too long since my last post. The total of drafts I've begun and have yet to complete is now up to three. This is highly unusually; I normally don't stop writing in the middle of a train of thought. Who knows when they will be posted. Steubenville was a wonderful experience as always. God and I had many good moments in which He stretched my capacity to love and be loved. I had to deny myself many times in order to make progress in prayers. The topic for the largest portion of my prayer was intimacy. I'm hard pressed to find a word that is more terrifying to me. I'm begun to read more about the mass. I'm finally getting around to some of the books I purchased during the school year. There is one thing about me and the mass that I know for certain: I do not know enough about the mass. Nor do I enter into with the proper disposition. I'm hoping that will begin to change as make more room for God's grace to reach me. I'm really not sure what will be coming next. It will either be a post on grace, beauty, Edwina, prayer, or something entirely unrelated to any of those four...

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