Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tomorrow is Nearly Upon Me

I'm laying in bed on this, the night before I begin my teaching career.  For the most part, I've been calmly freaking out about every last detail. Naturally.

The part that makes me smile is that, when I pause (and remember breathe), I notice an unmistakable sensation of excitement.  This is significant, especially for me, seeing as I generally struggle to be "excited" about anything.

I am overwhelmed at the enormity of the task set before me. To know these kids, my students, so that I may educate and form them in the Faith and in life is a formidable task to say the least. I hope that I love them well.  I hope that they blossom as children.  I hope that they grow in faith and come to know God.  I hope that they find the classroom to be a place happiness, fun, and genuine learning.

I hope they sit down and quietly listen when I need them to.  I hope that they pray and sing and behave at mass.  I hope that they get along with one another, that they do well in their studies, and that they never get hurt.

Most of all, I hope that they discover God and that, in doing so, they discover the joy of a lifetime of laughing and learning all sorts of new and wonderful things at the foot of His throne, under the guidance of His Church, and in the care of those to whom He has entrusted them.

I'm ready:  not at all confident in my own abilities, but utterly filled - to the brim - with confidence in His.

Won't you say a prayer for my 14 newest friends and I?

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